LOBSTR Curated Asset List:

USD Stables:
yUSDC (ultracapital.xyz)
USDC (centre.io)

ZUSD (stablecoin.z.com)

EURC (mykobo.co)

EURC (centre.io)


**Allbridge Stables:

abUSDC (allbridge.io) (BNB)

acUSDC (allbridge.io) (CELO)

aeUSDC (allbridge.io) (ETH)

apUSDC (allbridge.io) (MATIC)

asUSDC (allbridge.io) (SOL)

**(Allbridge Assets:

abBNB (allbridge.io)

acCELO (allbridge.io)

aeETH (allbridge.io)

apMATIC (allbridge.io)

asSOL (allbridge.io)


yBTC (ultracapital.xyz)
BTC (ultracapital.xyz)
BTC (stellarport.io)
BTC (whalestack.com)

yETH (ultracapital.xyz)
ETH (ultracapital.xyz)
ETH (stellarport.io)

XLM (stellar.org)
yXLM (ultracapital.xyz)

LTC (stellarport.io)
LTC (whalestack.com)

XRP (fchain.io)

International Currencies:
GYEN (stablecoin.z.com)

AFR (afreum.com)

AUDD (audd.digital)
NGNT (cowrie.exchange)
PEN (API.anclap.com)
MXN (anchormxn.com)
BRL (ntokens.com)
CNY (ripplefox.com)
ARST (sep.stablex.cloud)
ARS (API.anclap.com)
KES (connect.clickpesa.com)

TZS (connect.clickpesa.com)

CLPX (clpx.finance)

CLIX (clic.world)

Curated Metals:
GOLD (mintx.co)
SLVR (mintx.co)
PLAT (mintx.co)
PALL (mintx.co)

Curated Stellar Natives:
AQUA (aqua.network)
BTCLN (kbtrading.org)
FRED (fredenergy.org)
HODL (hodlassets.org)
RIO (realio.fund)
LSP (lumenswap.io)
NUNA (nunaproject.art)
SCOP (scopuly.com)
TFT (threefold.io)
WXT (wxt.wirexapp.com)

BLND (blnd.capitol)

**Asteriks for low liquidity. While Allbridge.io assets are curated, they have not been built out yet. This will change in the future, but for now they are simply bridges being built on Stellar**
Notice: Curated list is subject to editing, scrutiny, and addition at any time (in conjunction with Stellar). Stay diversified and invest responsibly.

For questions and concerns, along with free and open conversation about assets and strategies, join our Telegram group @: https://t.me/LibertyCryptoSyndicate

For this Curated Asset List, along with Unverified, Community, Stellar Asset Rewards Lists and other tutorials, please visit our website at: https://donttreadtoken.com/