Proposal #4: Storm of Value Rewards Expansion



TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards has proven to be one of the most successful interest programs in Stellar Lumens. We have built a strong set of assets and intricate liquidity web with a dedicated and loyal community. We have built lasting value for many generations to come. 


When we see areas we can make our systems even better, we have a responsibility to make room for improvements. While the current SOV Rewards structure has been a veritable powerhouse, it has room for expansion. It needs to be more inclusive and welcoming to the network. It must balance this expansion with being fair and reasonable to projects and investors alike. The system should incentivize buying pressure to a higher threshold, and create counter-balance to rewards inflation.


Therefore I propose the following alterations and additions to TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards:



Proposed Removals:


  • Removal of current 1 TREAD daily distributed hourly & 1 LFI daily distributed hourly supply cap on Storm of Value Rewards pairs.


  • Removal of 1 TREAD & 1 LFI supply cap on TREAD/LFI pool.



Proposed Additions:


  • Storm of Value Rewards will be open to all legitimate projects looking to open TREAD & LFI pools for TREAD and LFI rewards.


  • Any legitimate project (or asset incentivized by a community member) can start Storm of Value rewarded pools with 25 TREAD & 25 LFI pooled with said project/asset.


25 TREAD/<Asset>


25 LFI/<Asset>


  • Both Storm of Value pools must be maintained at the minimum 25 TREAD & 25 LFI level or be disqualified from Storm of Value Rewards.


  • We will reserve the right to remove any project from the Storm of Value Rewards structure for proven fraudulent activity and/or harmful manipulation.


  • At the 25 TREAD & 25 LFI qualification level, rewards start in both TREAD/<Asset> & LFI/<Asset> pools at a rate of .025 TREAD & .025 LFI daily distributed hourly.


  • After the first 25 TREAD & 25 LFI qualification tier is reached, every additional 25 TREAD or 25 LFI added to the pools reaches the next tier ranking, and gains an additional .025 daily distributed hourly in TREAD or LFI.


25 TREAD/<Asset> = .025 TREAD daily distributed hourly

25 LFI/<Asset> = .025 LFI daily distributed hourly

50 TREAD/<Asset> = .05 TREAD daily distributed hourly 

50 LFI/<Asset> = .05 LFI daily distributed hourly 

75 TREAD/<Asset> = .075 TREAD daily distributed hourly 

75 LFI/<Asset> = .075 LFI daily distributed hourly 

100 TREAD/<Asset> = .1 TREAD daily distributed hourly 

100 LFI/<Asset> = .1 LFI daily distributed hourly 

and so on...


  • After the first 25 TREAD & 25 LFI qualification tier the TREAD/<Asset> & LFI/<Asset> pools are allowed to grow separately to reach new tier rankings.


75 TREAD/<Asset> = .075 TREAD daily distributed hourly

25 LFI/<Asset> = .025 LFI daily distributed hourly


  • All projects joining the Storm of Value Rewards system will qualify for monthly tier rewards. Monthly rewards will include amounts of TREAD & LFI in existing Storm of Value pairs, as well as qualifying project pools.


  • Current Storm of Value Rewarded pools will switch to the 25 TREAD or 25 LFI = .025 TREAD or .025 LFI tier structure.


  • TREAD/LFI daily rewards will switch to the new 25 TREAD & 25 LFI quantity based tier structure and continue daily payments in both assets. 


  • All Storm of Value Rewarded pools will be uncapped in tier levels attainable.


  • TREAD & LFI project liquidity addresses will be excluded from TVL tiers and rewards. Project liquidity addresses are as follows:

TREAD Liquidity Address:


LFI Liquidity Address:




What doesn't change:


  • All current Storm of Value pools remain active.


  • Storm of Value monthly tier rewards remain active and unaltered.


  • Hyper deflationary burn schedule remains active and unaltered.



Incentives for Proposed Changes:


  • Storm of Value Rewards expansion; bringing new projects into our structure and creating a fair and inclusive atmosphere.


  • Quantity based tier system for Storm of Value pools will mean projects and assets can join during any market condition, with TREAD & LFI rewards being proportional to the amounts of TREAD & LFI pooled with their project/asset. Creating a fair and balanced rewards ecosystem.


  • Enhanced benefits to the rates of both TREAD & LFI, as buying pressure will be incentivized heavier in both projects.


  • Enhanced benefits to liquidity in both TREAD & LFI, as the 25/.025 tier structure allows for uncapped growth in new assets and pool rewarded tiers


  • Pool percentages will compound with new rewarded tiers; ensuring pool growth never stagnates into shares of capped pool percentage.


  • Incentivizes investors to build into the Storm of Value Rewards system with their favorite Stellar assets.


  • Incentivizes building out the entirety of the legitimate Stellar ecosystem.


  • Creates a fair and balanced structure for all Storm of Value rewarded pools, and limits excess rewards inflation in underdeveloped pools.


  • The new tier system is designed to counteract rewards inflation by increasing incentive to buy and continuous expansion of liquidity.


  • Offers protections from shady projects looking to manipulate the Storm of Value Rewards system. 


  • All projects or assets joining the new Storm of Value structure will have LowFinder orders set.


  • The new 25/.025 tier system ensures consistent, stable and long term growth in not only our system, but all connected projects. Fully cementing our place as a trusted liquidity provider for the Stellar community.



By modifying our current Storm of Value Rewards system into an expandable and inclusive environment, we will position ourselves to become a key liquidity provider to the Stellar community. With adjustments in daily supplies rewarded through quantity based tiers, we will incentivize rate increases, counteract rewards inflation, and create a pathway for exponential growth of liquidity in all projects connected to our Storm of Value Rewards system.


While 2024 was massive for us in launching the Storm of Value Rewards structure, 2025 will be even better with passing of this proposal. Our community can look forward to steady and consistent growth in ALL aspects of TREAD & LFI. I encourage the community to vote yes and ensure our rightful position as the inclusive powerhouse we are meant to be in the Stellar Lumens network.


Proposal #4: Storm of Value Rewards Expansion will run until midnight January 31st 2025. If voted in, the 25/.025 tier rewards switch will take place in the first week of February.


To vote on Proposal #4: Storm of Value Rewards Expansion, please head to this link 


Proposal Outcome: PASSED with 93% FOR and 7% AGAINST.

For questions or comments regarding this proposal, or any inquiries into TREAD & LFI please visit our group at


