Storm of Value Rewards Partnership Program
With the passing of Proposal #4: Storm of Value Rewards Expansion, the community has voted in favor of opening our rewards door to new projects and exciting opportunities!
In 2024 we began the Storm of Value Rewards program for TREAD & LFI in 35 top Stellar liquidity pools, and now beginning in Q1 of 2025 we are looking for infinite expansion opportunities in all legitimate Stellar projects. Together we will build the entirety of the network; and incentivize project involvement to a highly competitive degree along the way.
What are the requirements?
- Any legitimate project/asset can join the Storm of Value Partnership Program with the appropriate tier qualification level.
- Assets joining the partnership do not need to be from the project itself. Any community member can incentivize any legitimate asset with the proper qualified tiers pooled.
- We will reserve the right to deny or exclude any project at any time if proven the project/asset is pulling fraudulent or otherwise harmful manipulative activities.
- Projects joining the partnership must maintain the minimum qualification tier levels in both TREAD & LFI or be excluded from rewards.
Qualification Tiers and Expansion:
- Projects or community members who pool a minimum of 25 TREAD & 25 LFI with their project (or asset of choice), will start rewards in both pools for .025 TREAD & .025 LFI rewarded daily, distributed hourly.
- After the 25 TREAD & 25 LFI qualification tier, both pools are allowed to grow separately.
- For every additional 25 TREAD or 25 LFI that gets added to the pool, another .025 TREAD or .025 LFI is gained in rewards for the pool per day, distributed hourly.
- Partnership pools are uncapped in potential rewarded tiers attainable.
- Partnership pools qualify for Storm of Value monthly rewarded tiers.
Partnership Perks:
- Projects added to our partnership program will immediately incentivize community liquidity provider involvement.
- The program is a fair and balanced structure with low risk involvement. "Voting with your assets" gives projects and community members exactly what they are paying for.
- Partnership rewards are uncapped in tier levels attainable. Meaning infinite room for long term growth in partnership pools.
- Partnership pools will qualify for Storm of Value monthly rewarded tiers. Granting extra incentive to build out partnership pools, and incentivizing community members to provide liquidity long term.
- By maintaining strict qualification levels and reserving the right to remove any project or asset for fraudulent or manipulative activity, projects can rest at ease knowing shady activity in the partnership program will not be tolerated.
- All pools in the Storm of Value Rewards system incentivize equally according to the involvement of projects and community involvement. There is no manipulating the system to give an unfair advantage to any one project or asset.
- Rewards are healthy in relation to their corresponding tier structure. Meaning less risk of inflation as buying pressure to grow tiers counteracts rewards.
- All projects and assets joining the Storm of Value ecosystem will have LFI orders set in the partnership asset. Meaning when low rate movement happens, investors will be notified via LowFinder Bot Channel and the project will have additional buy incentive added in that moment.
- All Storm of Value Partners will have their projects/assets listed on our Storm of Value Partners page at
For projects interested in joining our Storm of Value Partnership Program, please reach out via our Telegram group at, message username @JuanConner on Telegram, or email directly at
We are excited to roll out this next chapter with Storm of Value Partnership Program, and look forward to building Stellar with the community!