Stellar Asset Rewards List
ACT-HUB Rewards:
ACT/XLM (rewarded in ACT & XLM hourly)
ACT/Apay (rewarded in ACT & Apay hourly)
ACT/LSP (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/AQUA (rewarded in ACT & AQUA hourly)
ACT/LiquidPoetry (rewarded in ACT & LiquidPoetry hourly)
ACT/FunnyMunny (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/AXLM (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/DicInu (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/TREAD (rewarded in ACT & TREAD hourly)
ACT/LFI (rewarded in ACT & LFI hourly)
ACT/FRED (rewarded in ACT & SIG hourly)
ACT/XTAR (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/RBT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/AEUR (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/EURC ( (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/USDC (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/SAVE (rewarded in ACT & SAVE hourly)
ACT/SSLX (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/VAQM (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/BRAINFROG (rewarded in ACT hourly)
ACT/LIBRE (rewarded in ACT & LIBRE hourly)
ACT Tier System:
Hold ACT and earn more ACT Rewards per task and monthly airdrop.
Tier 1: Hold 1250 ACT (20% more ACT per Task, share 2000 ACT prize pool)
Tier 2: Hold 2500 ACT (30% more ACT per Task, share 4000 ACT prize pool)
Tier 3: Hold 5000 ACT (40% more ACT per Task, share 7000 ACT prize pool)
Tier 4: Hold 10000 ACT (50% more ACT per Task, share 7000 ACT prize pool and get bonus % Apay)
ACT Tasks:
And complete the tasks assigned in the channels to receive additional ACT Bonuses. Channels are labeled with “Task”.
Join the ACT-HUB ecosystem to learn more at
Apay Rewards:
Apay/ACT (rewarded in Apay & ACT hourly)
Apay/LSP (rewarded in Apay & LSP hourly)
Apay/XLM (rewarded in Apay & XLM hourly)
Apay/USDC (rewarded in Apay & XLM hourly)
Apay/EURC (rewarded in Apay hourly)
Apay/AEUR (rewarded in Apay hourly)
Apay Monthly Airdrops:
Apay monthly airdrop rewards begin after holding a minimum of 50k Apay.
Follow Apay for announcements at:
AEUR Rewards:
AEUR/XLM (rewarded in 5 ACT & 100 Apay daily)
AEUR/AXLM (rewarded in ACT & Apay hourly)
AEUR/EURC (rewarded in ACT & Apay hourly)
AQUA Rewards:
Subject to constant change, see link for current AQUA Rewards list:
AQUA Locker:
Lock your AQUA and turn it into ICE for a boost on your AQUA Rewards pairs and increased voting power in rewards pairs and governance:
AQUA Bribes:
Offering asset incentives for people to vote on specific pairs. Detailed explanation:
AQUA Bribe Pairs:
AQUA/ACT (rewarded in ACT & AQUA hourly)
Ultrastellar APY:
yXLM (rewarded in yXLM 3% APY)
yUSDC (rewarded in yUSDC 6% APY)
yBTC (rewarded in yBTC 2.5 % APY)
yETH (rewarded in yETH 3.5% APY)
yXLM: 3.0% APY:
Min amount: 0.0012166 yXLM
yUSDC: 6.0% APY:
Min amount: 0.0006083 yUSDC
yBTC: 2.5% APY:
Min amount: 0.00146 yBTC
yETH: 3.5% APY:
Min amount: 0.0010428 yETH
Min amount calculated with a simple formula: 0.0000001 * 365 / <APY>
Stellar X Pooling Rewards:
Liquidity providers in Stellar X earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportionate to their share of the pool.
Article on how fees are accumulated and how to use AMMs on Stellar X:
TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards:
TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards are paid hourly, daily, and monthly depending on conditions (such as selected pools, time held in pool, minimums and accumulations).
Hourly Rewards:
TREAD and LFI are rewarded (with no minimums required) hourly in the following pools based on total pool tier level and percentage of pool held:
TREAD Rewarded Pools:
TREAD/XLM (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/USDC (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/EURC ( (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/BTC ( (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/ETH ( (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/yXLM (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/yUSDC (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/yBTC (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/yETH (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/AQUA (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/XRP (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/GOLD (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/SLVR (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed horly)
TREAD/RIO (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/VELO (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/SHX (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/ACT (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly & rewarded in ACT hourly)
TREAD/Apay (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/SVR (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/SIG (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/BASH (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/TFT (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/SAVE (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
TREAD/VAQM (rewarded in TREAD daily, distributed hourly)
LFI Rewarded Pools:
LFI/XLM (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/USDC (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/EURC ( (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/BTC ( (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/ETH ( (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/yXLM (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/yUSDC (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/yBTC (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/yETH (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/AQUA (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/XRP (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/GOLD (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/SLVR (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/RIO (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/VELO (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/SHX (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/ACT (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly & rewarded in ACT hourly)
LFI/Apay (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/SVR (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/SIG (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/BASH (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/TFT (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/SAVE (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
LFI/VAQM (rewarded in LFI daily, distributed hourly)
Daily rewards are ONLY paid in the TREAD/LFI pool and are distributed at random per 24hr period. Rewards are paid in TREAD and LFI and are calculated by total pool tier level and percentage of pool held.
Tiers are in place for monthly minimums starting at 10 TREAD and/or 10 LFI in ALL rewarded pools. ONLY THE TOTAL TREAD & LFI IN ALL REWARDS POOLS ARE COUNTED TOWARDS MONTHLY MINIMUMS. Both assets are counted separately towards their respective tier percentages.
The tier structure for monthly rewards are as follows:
100 minimum = .5% = 6.17% APY
80 minimum = .4% = 4.91% APY
60 minimum = .3% = 3.66% APY
40 minimum = .2% = 2.43% APY
20 minimum = .1% = 1.21% APY
10 minimum = .05% = .605% APY
Tier brackets reward the % of the tier minimum you qualify for. APY percentages do not compound as you gain higher minimums, but you'll achieve the higher APY tier. After the 100 minimum is reached, you can continue to gain at .5% uncapped exponentially.
For the specific TREAD/LFI pool, both assets count towards your minimums in each. 10TREAD/10LFI would reward .05%/.05% for the month in each asset. 100TREAD/100LFI would reward .5%/.5% in each asset.
Monthly rewards are based on an average of TREAD & LFI pooled for a month period. Monthly rewards are paid on the 1st of every month.
For more information about TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards, please visit our link at
TREAD & LFI ACT Rewards:
Both TREAD & LFI are partners in ACT-HUB. Rewarded pairs are paid hourly as follows:
ACT/TREAD (rewarded in ACT & TREAD hourly)
ACT/LFI (rewarded in ACT & LFI hourly)
For more information about TREAD & LFI feel free to visit us at
Follow Liberty Crypto Syndicate on X (formerly Twitter) at
Feel free to join ACT-HUB's TREAD & LFI Channel at
Scopuly Rewards:
Scopuly Rewards begin daily after holding a minimum of 500 SCOP in your wallet or in liquidity pools. APY is 10%.
Scopuly Pooling Rewards offer between 14%-18% APY and the available pools are:
SCOP/XLM (14% SCOP & .35% APY)
SCOP/SKY (14% SCOP & 0% APY)
SCOP/AQUA (14% SCOP & 8.6% APY)
SCOP/USDC (14% SCOP & 3.22% APY)
SCOP/yXLM (14% SCOP & 12.44% APY)
SCOP/yUSDC (14% SCOP & 1.95% APY)
SCOP/yBTC (14% SCOP & .57% APY)
SCOP/yETH (14% SCOP & 4.25% APY)
SCOP/XRP (14% SCOP & 3.31% APY)
SCOP/LSP (14% SCOP & 2.6% APY)
SCOP/MOBI (14% SCOP & 2.29% APY)
Scopuly pooling rewards link can be found here:
BRAVE Rewards:
BRAVE/XLM (rewarded in BRAVE daily 175,557 distributed)
BRC/XLM (rewarded in BRAVE daily 37,698 distributed)
USDB/USDC (rewarded in BRAVE daily 17,610 distributed)
Visit for BRAVE info and join for questions and comments.
LSP Rewards:
3,250,000 LSP distributed monthly to holders and must have 10,000 LSP in your wallet.
2,305,555 LSP distributed monthly to following pools:
LSP/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Go to for their exchange and more info or visit
TFT Rewards:
Threefold Token can be farmed by purchasing or building a Threefold node and supplying decentralized internet service.
Threefold Node & Farming Details:
Threefold Manual:
Fun & Games Rewards:
LiquidPoetry/ACT (rewarded in ACT & LiquidPoetry hourly)
FunnyMunny/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Follow Fun & Games on X at: and join their Mystery School ACT-HUB Channel at
SAVE Rewards:
SAVE is in partnership with ACT-HUB and pool participants recieve ACT & SAVE hourly for percentage of pool held:
ACT/SAVE (rewarded in ACT & SAVE hourly)
Visit SAVE's Home Channel at and their ACT-HUB Channel at and follow them on X at
VAQM Rewards:
VAQM is part of the ACT-HUB ecosystem and is rewarded in ACT hourly.
VAQM/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Visit VAQM's ACT-HUB Channel at
ISX Rewards:
ISX/XLM (rewarded in ISX weekly)
Follow ISX on X at:
BRAINFROG is part of the ACT-HUB ecosystem and is rewarded in ACT hourly.
BRAINFROG/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Visit BRAINFROG's ACT-HUB Channel at and follow on X at
LIBRE Rewards:
LIBRE is part of the ACT-HUB ecosystem and is rewarded in ACT & LIBRE hourly.
LIBRE/ACT (rewarded in ACT & LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE is also rewarded 5000 LIBRE per month (166.6 per day) distributed hourly in the following pools:
LIBRE/XLM (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/USDC (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/XTAR (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/DicInu (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/AFR (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/NLT (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/ALUS (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/Swagmon21 (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
LIBRE/BRAINFROG (rewarded in LIBRE hourly)
Visit LIBRE's ACT-HUB Channel at
And their page on X at
RBT Rewards:
Hold RBT and receive monthly rewards. Minimum 1,000 RBT to start holding rewards. 208,333 RBT distributed.
Pool RBT and receive monthly rewards. 416,666 distributed. Pools available for rewards are:
RBT/XLM (rewarded monthly)
RBT/USDC (rewarded monthly)
Read more info for RABET at:
FRED Rewards:
FRED is a part of the ACT-HUB ecosystem and rewards in ACT hourly for the pool:
ACT/FRED (rewarded in ACT & SIG hourly)
FRED has its own rewards system that offers SOLS bimonthly for pooling with the following pairs:
SOLS/XLM (rewarded in SOLS bimonthly)
FRED/SOLS (rewarded in SOLS bimonthly)
USDC/SOLS (rewarded in SOLS bimonthly)
UBEC/SOLS (rewarded in SOLS bimonthly)
FRED gives rewards based on purchase of their Carbon NFT holders to the time of 25,000 SOLS distributed per month. Carbon NFT’s with the label “SOLSBANK-xxxx” are rewarded. You can find them on their litemint page here:
Find more info for FRED & SOLS at and join for questions and comments. Join FRED's ACT-HUB Channel at
BEER Token Rewards:
BEER Token has a variety of rewards to choose from with bonus rewards happening often.
BEER Token Monthly Rewards:
BEER/XLM (1% of holdings rewarded per month, 12% APY)
CANNA/XLM (1% of holdings rewarded per month, 12% APY)
VEND/XLM (1% of holdings rewarded per month, 12% APY)
COFFEE/XLM (1% of holdings rewarded per month, 12% APY)
CHEERS Rewards:
CHEERS rewards are distributed monthly for holding BEER Token assets. CHEERS rewards are distributed by tiers based on amounts held:
The Pony Club (hold minimum of 14000)
The Pot Club (hold minimum of 28500)
The Chalice Club (hold minimum of 33000)
The Schooner Club (hold minimum of 42500)
The Stein Club (hold minimum of 50000)
The Pint Club (hold minimum of 568000)
The Jug Club (hold minimum of 1140000)
The Keg Club (hold minimum of 5000000)
The Barrel Club (hold minimum of 10000000)
All BEER Token assets qualify and the complete list can be found at
CHEERS Holding Rewards:
In conjunction with the tier/club structure, holders earn 25% of 1% of the BEER Token asset line up they hold in CHEERS. (Example: A Pony Club member holding 14000 BEER would receive 35 CHEERS)
CHEERS Portfolio Rewards:
Holders can earn 37.5% of 1% of their total token portfolio holdings. Holders earn an extra 3.75% for each additional asset held at the club/tier levels (Example: At Pony Club level, holders would earn an extra 5.25 CHEERS for holding each additional BEER asset at the 14000 level. Maximum CHEERS per month would be 52.5 CHEERS per month if you hold all BEER assets at the Pony Club level.)
CHEERS Duration Rewards:
Are monthly multiplier rewards based on token holdings and duration. Holders can earn an additional 3.125% per month, per token, a multiplier for every month token assets are held and maintained at current club/tier level or above and maintained through the year. If holdings drop below current club/tier level, the duration bonus gets reset. (Example: A Pony Club member would receive 4.38 CHEERS in month 1, 8.75 CHEERS in month 2, 13.12 CHEERS in month 3, and so on for each asset the held and maintained within that 12 month period. Maximum CHEERS earned would be 429 per asset at the Pony Club level. If the Pony Club member drops below 14000, the duration reward is reset and starts over the next month at month 1 again. Duration rewards are automatically reset at the start of the year.
For more information on BEER Token/CHEERS Rewards, feel free to visit their Telegram at, and their site/rewards page at
SL8 (Slate) Rewards:
SSLX Rewards are available by pooling on the SL8 social media app. Minimum 1k pooled SSLX starts rewards. Rewards become higher with higher amounts of SSLX pooled. Tiers are as follows:
1k SSLX = 14% APY
10K SSLX = 18% APY
100K SSLX = 24% APY
1M SSLX = 30% APY
Top 100 Holders = 32% APY
Pool options are as follows:
Discord for SSLX:
SL8 App:
SSLX is a member of ACT-HUB and rewards in ACT hourly.
ACT/SSLX (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Visit SSLX ACT-HUB Channel at
DicInu Rewards:
DicInu holders that have registered their Stellar wallet on are eligible for daily DicInu Rewards (hold 1000000 minimum DicInu to start rewards, and hold 1000000 DicInu + 30000000 XOGE minimum to collect double rewards)
The following AMM pools are rewarded monthly (hold 1% of any pool to qualify, 5000000 DicInu distributed monthly per pool):
DicInu/XSHIB Rewards:
DicInu/XSHIB (rewarded in XSHIB hourly)
DicInu ACT Rewards:
DicInu is also in partnership with the ACT-HUB ecosystem and offers ACT Rewards:
DicInu/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly & DicInu monthly with 1% minimum of pool held)
Visit DicInu ACT-HUB Channel at
Feel free to join the Telegram group for questions, updates, or more project/rewards info at:
Follow DicInu on X at
XTAR Rewards:
XTAR is a part of the ACT-HUB ecosystem with ACT Rewards, and has 3 rewarded pairs currently:
XTAR/XLM (rewarded in XTAR & AQUA hourly)
XTAR/USDC (rewarded in XTAR hourly)
XTAR/AQUA (rewarded in XTAR & AQUA hourly)
XTAR/ACT (rewarded in ACT hourly)
Join the XTAR (Dogstar) Community at to learn more, and visit their website at and stop by their ACT-HUB Channel at
Pure Stellar Rewards:
PSMEDAL Airdrops:
There are two types of airdrops at present. Both airdrops require a PSMEDAL funded or unfunded trustline to be present in wallet.
Monday Airdrop:
Based on the amount of PSLINK held in wallet.
Thursday Airdrop:
Based on a tiered criteria of supply held by 8 different assets in wallet/account; plus a multiplying influence from PSG. Info on Thursdays airdrop can be found at
More information on Pure Stellar assets and rewards can be found at on Telegram, their site at, and more rewards info can be found at
Gravity Site:
Many of these rewards offerings are also listed on Rolan’s Gravity site, an excellent resource for AQUA Rewards & Votes along with rewarded assets in Stellar, follow the links and check it out.
Home Page:
AQUA Rewards, Bribes ,Votes, Surplus Downvotes:
Stellar Asset’s Rewards Page:
For all other questions and comments, feel free to join our Telegram group at:
As always, please stay diversified and invest wisely. Rewards list is updated often and subject to change and scrutiny.
If you find more stellar asset rewards you'd like to see listed, or want to suggest edits, please shoot us comments in the LCS group.
For this Stellar Asset Rewards List, along with Curated, Unverified, and Community Asset Lists and other tutorials, please visit our website at: