Liberty Crypto Syndicate





Founded in early 2021 with the goal of understanding blockchain technology and digital assets. We are a collective of liberty advocates who joined together to pursue free market concepts through blockchain utilization.

After encountering many scams, insolvent assets, failed projects, and a generally destabilized market, we decided to begin our own foray into asset research, creation, and development.


What do we do?


Aside from creating our own decentralized store of value currencies, Liberty Crypto Syndicate has a wide array of functionality:


Market News:


LCS stays up to date on the most recent market news, breaking developments, and opportunities both in Stellar and market wide in real time. From tweets to legislation we’re always monitoring information.


Knowledgeable Members & Knowledgeable Community:


Our collective ranges from veteran blockchain enthusiasts and developers, to novices just entering the market. We pride ourselves on fostering a learning environment for all digital asset and blockchain skill levels. If you have a question, there's someone around to answer at all hours of the day. We are international and host members from all over the globe.


Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach:


Our goals have never shifted at LCS. We strive towards the same objectives and principles we were founded on. Not by growing a community of followers, but by fostering a collective of teachers and leaders. The novice who joins today will learn quickly amongst veterans; and the student will become the teacher of tomorrow. Even the veterans and teachers find themselves learning and constantly growing with the speed of information. Our motto is to never halt the learning process, and always look to further individual growth.


Stellar Lumens Network:


While we monitor all market news, we have a keen interest in everything Stellar Lumens. Our members stay up to date with Stellar news, protocols, and capabilities. We stay plugged in and extremely well connected to the inside circle of Stellar itself. Whether it's consulting with the Stellar Development Foundation, Stellar developers and programmers, or sitting in on grant proposals to learn the latest news. If it's happening in Stellar, someone in LCS is going to know about it.


Market Movement Monitoring:


Not only do we keep track of XLM itself to offer knowledgeable price movement opinions, but we keep a keen eye on all Stellar Lumens network assets. If a Stellar asset is on the move, we're your best bet for knowing about it. While we have a roster of people monitoring and talking Steller assets, we also utilize TREAD’s sibling asset LowFinder (LFI) to track and monitor price movement lows through LowFinder Stellarium Bot Channel. LFI feeds its corresponding channel the fastest information on Stellar asset lows available in real time. Find the channel here at


Stellar Lumens Asset Lists/Rewards Structures:


Liberty Crypto Syndicate has spent years creating the most detailed legitimate asset and reward structure lists available in Stellar Lumens. While many other groups believe in only sharing their own project’s information, at LCS we believe information and opportunities should be socialized. Updated asset & rewards lists can be found at:


Stellar Asset Lists:


Stellar Rewards List:


TREAD & LFI Storm of Value Rewards List:


Stellar Lumens Research Team:


How do we know which assets are legitimate and which are fraudulent? The founding members of LCS (and curious friends we've met among the way) make up a core team of decentralized blockchain researchers; highly adept at sniffing out fraud. Whether it's tracing the ledger, investigating domains, companies, developers and founders, or just good old fashioned detective work, you can be assured the research team will get to the bottom of the truth (uncovering and exposing the largest scams in Stellar in the process). We have coordinated with every major entity in Stellar to protect it’s community from scams. From speaking to the SDF, to collaboration with Ultrastellar to clean scam assets off their platforms, to helping design flagging systems for Stellar Expert. If anyone has asset legitimacy questions, we are by far the best source to seek out. The Stellar Lumens Research Team’s track record speaks for itself; as we are the vast majority of the reason Stellar is being cleaned up.


Trading and Technical Analysis:


The community of LCS doesn't just track market highs and lows to inform the community, we want to teach everyone how to monitor the market for themselves. This includes technical analysis, knowledgeable trading strategies, and miscellaneous aspects such as monitoring the rumor mill and determining legitimacy of claims. Every person who becomes knowledgeable about reading and predicting the market is a vital community asset.


Interest Earning:


Liberty Crypto Syndicate is interest earning obsessed. We thoroughly believe in putting our assets to work. Whether this is socializing information about Stellar asset interest earning opportunities, our own interest structures in $TREAD & $LFI, or exploring off-chain pooling, farming, and staking avenues. If it involves our money making money, we want to know about it and share it with the class.




LCS has produced many tutorials on our website at We also create tutorials of both video, audio, and print variety in real time as topics need addressed or explanation in our Telegram group at We plan on rolling out many more tutorials in the very near future. The learning never stops.


Asset Development:


We have pioneered the way forward for many different asset development techniques through experimentation with our projects and our community partner projects. Not only have we utilized these methods to our own project's benefit, but we teach active development strategies to other developers. At LCS we believe in the power of community; and this extend to asset development. The healthier the development techniques of all Stellar projects, the better off Stellar and it's community are. More than a few new developers and projects have gotten their start through our doors (a fact we're very proud of). Teaching more development strategies is in the plans as a constant for LCS utility.


Programming Ingenuity:


We have some of the best programmers floating around LCS and surrounding communities. We're constantly joining minds to brainstorm new ways to revolutionize Stellar and our project’s ecosystems. Feel free to offer up your own ideas or hypotheticals in our group. We love freedom of information and flow of ideas. You never know what random idea will birth ingenuity in Stellar. We're currently working on many exciting ideas for the future of Stellar.


Strength Through Community:


At Liberty Crypto Syndicate we believe community comes first. There are no leaders; we run a tiki torch leadership strategy. Everyone is equal, and we all have a voice to share. We don't believe the Stellar ecosystem was designed to be a competition. We'd much rather unify and lift up everyone contributing to the future of Stellar Lumens. Our methods work, we've seen unprecedented growth in our communities and the Stellar ecosystem since a new era of collaboration began. LCS has become a hub for the entire Stellar community to join together in solidarity. Our true strength will always be in community. If freedom, unity, education, ingenuity, and building the future of Stellar sounds appealing, please join us at